Tom and Bud were bursting with curiosity. Although the Swifts had been in radio contact with creatures from outer space for many months, this was the most exciting news yet!
On one occasion, the unknown beings had moved a small asteroid—the phantom satellite Nestria—into orbit about the earth. Later they had sent strange samples of the animal life of their planet, aboard orbiting missiles, to be studied by the Swifts. They had also helped Tom, Bud, and Mr. Swift a number of times when their lives were at stake while on daring voyages beyond the earth. What was their latest intention?
The telephone rang and Sandy went to answer it.
"For Pete's sake, Dad," Tom pleaded, "don't keep us in suspense! Who or what is this visitor?"
Mr. Swift smiled at the boys' baffled expressions. "The fact is that a message came through today that—"
He was interrupted by Sandy who had come to the door. "The phone call's for you, Dad. Long distance from Washington."
Bud groaned as Mr. Swift went off to take the call. "It's a conspiracy," Bud said. "Everyone's ganging up to keep us from finding out about that mysterious visitor!"
Tom grinned. "We lasted through an earthquake this afternoon, pal," he said consolingly. "I guess we can last through a phone call."
Inwardly Tom was as impatient as Bud about the exact nature of the message.
Several months ago, the space creatures had sent their first communication in the form of mathematical symbols carved on a black missile which had landed on the grounds of Swift Enterprises.
Tom and his father had decoded the symbols and beamed out a reply over a powerful radio transmitter. Later messages had been picked up by radio telescope and converted to appear as symbols on the oscilloscope screen.
"Sandy must know what it's all about," Bud broke in. "She's the one who first mentioned the visitor."
"Of course I know," Sandy said mysteriously. "So does Mother and so does Phyl. But don't think we're going to give it away!" she added teasingly.
Tom and Bud cajoled the two girls and Mrs. Swift for further information. But Sandy and Phyl only shook their heads, obviously enjoying the situation.
"At last we're getting back at them for the way they've neglected us!" Phyl said, her brown eyes sparkling with laughter.
"Come on, Mother!" Tom said. "Be a sport. You tell us!"
But Mrs. Swift too shook her head. "I'm sorry, Tom," she demurred gently, "but I think the girls are right. I'll say this much, though," she relented, "it will be the biggest challenge that Tom Swift Jr. and Sr. have ever faced!"
"Whew!" Bud remarked as the two boys glanced at each other. "That must mean it's plenty big news! It would have to be, skipper, to top all the other jobs you and your dad have taken on!"
Conquering outer space, probing the ocean's secrets, drilling to the earth's core—these were only a few of Tom Swift's many exciting exploits.
In his first adventure, Tom, in his Flying Lab, had gone to South America to fend off a gang of rebels seeking a valuable radioactive ore deposit. In his most recent challenge, Tom had defied the threats of Oriental killers determined to ferret out the secret of the Swifts' latest space research.
As the two boys silently recalled the exciting events of the past months, Mr. Swift returned to the living room.
Tom and Bud leaned forward in their chairs. "Well, boys," Mr. Swift said, "as I started to tell you, the space receiver picked up a message today from our unknown planetary friends. The message informed us that they are sending a visitor to earth—a visitor consisting of pure energy!"
"Energy?" Tom was startled. "I don't get it, Dad!"
"Frankly, I don't quite understand it myself," Tom Sr. confessed. "The message didn't explain how or in what form the energy would arrive. But, at any rate, they want us to construct some sort of container for it."
The elder scientist paused thoughtfully. "In my opinion, the energy which they speak of must be a sort of invisible brain. The symbols were rather difficult to decode, but apparently our job will be to construct a device through which the energy will be able to receive impressions of what life is like here on earth, and also to communicate its own responses to us."
Tom sat bolt upright. "Dad, this is terrific news!" he exclaimed. "If we're able to make this energy or 'brain' communicate, it may be able to tell us what the space people are like!"
Mr. Swift nodded, his own eyes blazing with as much excitement as Tom's were.
Bud, too, was deeply impressed but could not resist quipping, "What sort of body will you give it? How about a beautiful, superintelligent space girl for me to date?"
"Nothing doing!" Sandy retorted mischievously. "I insist on a handsome young man who'd have time to take two nice earth girls out on dates!"
"Ouch!" Bud pretended to wince. "I really left myself wide open for that one!"
Mrs. Swift put in, "Goodness, mightn't it get out of control and be rather overpowering? Suppose it went berserk!"
"Rather an unpleasant possibility," Mr. Swift agreed, smiling wryly. "But I trust our space friends wouldn't let that happen."
Both he and Tom became thoughtful as they discussed the problem.
"The energy will arrive in two weeks," Mr. Swift added. "Unfortunately that phone call was a request that I go to Washington on urgent government business. So you may have to take over and work out a solution on your own, Tom."
It was a sobering thought to the young inventor. "You were right, Mother. This is a terrific challenge."
Soon afterward, the little gathering broke up. Bud, who had left his own convertible at the Swifts' that morning, offered to drop Phyl at her home.Tom awoke the next morning, refreshed by a good night's sleep. After a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, he drove off to Enterprises in his low-slung silver sports car.
"Think I'll listen to the news," Tom thought, and switched on his dashboard radio.
A moment later the announcer's voice came over the loud-speaker. "Casualties from yesterday's disastrous earthquake now total thirty-one injured," the announcer reported. "Most of these are employees of the Faber Electronics plant and four are in critical condition. There is one note of cheer, however. At last report, Mark Faber, the brilliant president of the company, is now expected to recover." Tom gave a thankful sigh of relief.
The announcer continued, "The nearby town of Harkness was only lightly damaged, but the plant itself was almost totally demolished. No estimate of the losses has been released, but will certainly run into millions of dollars, including some highly secret defense items which were being developed at the plant. Scientists are puzzled by the severity of the quake in what had been considered a 'dead' area."
For the first time Tom, too, was struck by this curious aspect of the disaster. So far as he knew, no serious tremors had ever before been reported within hundreds of miles of the region.
He was mulling over the matter as he drove along a lonely wooded area, not far from Lake Carlopa. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted as a man stepped out from among the trees ahead and gestured with his thumb for a ride.
"Sorry, mister," Tom reflected, "but I've had trouble with hitchhikers before!" He shook his head to let the man know that he did not intend to stop.
To the young inventor's amazement, the pedestrian deliberately stepped onto the road—squarely in the path of Tom's oncoming car!
Tom jammed on the brakes, and the silver sports car screeched to a stop. Only a quick twist of the wheel had prevented an accident!
Somewhat angrily, Tom exclaimed, "What's the big idea, mister? Don't you realize you might have been—"
"Shut up!" the stranger snarled. In an instant the man had yanked open the door and climbed in beside Tom.
"Take me inside the grounds of Swift Enterprises," he commanded in a foreign accent. "And no tricks or you will regret it!"
Chap II The Mysterious Hitchhiker -full-
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
ChapⅠ The Earthquake -3-
「地震だ!」トムが息を飲んだ。バドは、エアコンプレッサを覆っているワイヤスクリーンの取っ手をつかんで、立ち上がろうとした。が次の瞬間、さらに建物が大きく揺れ、バドはひっくり返った。「屋根が! 崩れるぞ!」とだれかが叫ぶのが聞こえた。
バドは恐怖で目をピクピクさせながら、試作台の高価なテレメータが傾いているのに気づいた。次の瞬間に落下崩壊し、マーク・フェイバーが下敷きになった。とっさにバドは両手で頭を抱えた、が間に合わない! 支柱が彼の後頭部めがけて落下し、若いパイロットは気を失った。
しばらくの間その瓦礫の山の中で誰も何もできずにいた。やがて落下物で気を失っていたトムが目を覚まし、立ち上がった。「ああ!」 トムは、舞い上がるほこりに包まれた残骸に言葉を失った。
ⅠThe Earthquake,
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
ChapⅠ The Earthquake -2-
彼の質問は、ガラスを割れる音と警報でかき消された。壁と屋根は激しく震動し軋み、コンクリートの床が隆起始めた。「危ない! 試作台が崩れる!」トムが叫んだ。
ⅠThe Earthquake,
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
ChapⅠ The Earthquake -1-
トム・スウィフト プラネットXからの訪問者
チャプター 1 地震
「ええ、やってみます。」 18歳の若き発明家は笑顔で答えた。
二人の少年は、フェイバーとエンジニアに続いて、警備の厳しい木造の建物に入って行った。中には、機密ロケット用テレメータ(遠隔計器)が試験台に置かれてあった。「知ってのとおり、トム、」 フェイバーは切り出した。「ロケットの通常の状態では・・」
ⅠThe Earthquake,
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
ChapⅠ The Earthquake -full-
"Tom, we're having a problem with the gyro-stabilizer," said Mark Faber, gray-haired president of the Faber Electronics Company. "Hope you can find out what's wrong."
The eighteen-year-old inventor accepted the challenge with a smile. "I'll be glad to try, sir," he replied.
Bud Barclay, a dark-haired young flier and Tom Swift Jr.'s closest friend, chuckled. "If anyone can get the bugs out of your new invention, genius boy here will do it!"
The two boys followed Mr. Faber and his engineers to a wooden building which was tightly guarded. Inside, a secret rocket-telemetering device was mounted on its test stand.
"As you know, Tom," Mr. Faber began, "the usual conditions of rocket flight will be—"
He broke off with a gasp of astonishment as the whole building suddenly began to shake.
"Good grief!" Bud exclaimed. "This isn't part of your testing routine, is it?"
His question was drowned out by cries of alarm and the sound of cracking glass. The walls and roof were shuddering and creaking, and the concrete floor was heaving under their feet.
"Look out! The test stand's breaking loose!" Tom warned.
Mr. Faber and two of his men tried frantically to brace the heavy test stand which held the telemetering device. Another engineer rushed toward the door to see what was happening outside. Before he reached it, another shock knocked all of them off their feet.
Electronic equipment cascaded from the wall shelves, and a heavy-duty chain hoist came loose from its overhead track, plunging to the floor with a terrifying crash.
"An earthquake!" Tom gasped.
Bud, meanwhile, clawed a handhold on a wire screen enclosing an air compressor and pulled himself to his feet. But the next moment a third, more violent tremor rocked the building, knocking him over. "The roof! It's caving in!" he heard someone scream.
As his eyes flashed upward in panic, Bud caught a brief glimpse of the ponderous test stand with the priceless telemeter tilting to one side. An instant later it crashed over, pinning Mark Faber beneath it!
Bud threw up his arms to protect himself, but too late! A falling beam caught him on the back of the head and the young flier blacked out.
For minutes, no one stirred among the wreckage. Then Tom, who had been stunned by some falling debris, raised himself to a sitting position.
"Good night!" Tom's eyes focused in horror on the wreckage enveloped by still-billowing dust.
The sky was visible through several gaping holes in the roof, which was sagging dangerously on its supporting trusses. Only two thirds of the walls were still standing.
Suddenly Tom stiffened in fear. "Bud!" The young inventor had just noticed his friend lying pinned beneath a heavy beam nearby. Was he still breathing?
Disregarding his own injuries, Tom hastily freed himself from the debris and groped his way to Bud's side. With a desperate heave, he shoved the beam away, then cradled Bud's head in his arm. His friend's eyelids flickered.
"Are you all right?" Tom asked fearfully.
The answer came in a groan. "O-oh!... Wow!... What hit me?"
"You got conked by a falling timber. Or grazed, at least," Tom added thankfully. "If that beam had landed square on your noggin, even a rock-head like you couldn't have survived!"
Bud managed to grin. "We grow 'em tough out in California where I come from!" he joked.
Somewhat shakily, Bud got to his feet with Tom's assistance. Both boys were heartsick as they surveyed the damaged laboratory, wondering where to begin rescue operations.
"It was a quake," Bud stated grimly. He had heard about the great San Francisco earthquake from his grandfather, and had no doubt about the nature of the tremors.
Just then Tom glimpsed a body protruding from under the wreckage of the telemetering device.
"Mr. Faber!" he gasped.
The two boys scrambled through the clutter of debris toward the spot where the test stand had been erected. Bud seized a slender, steel I beam and managed to pry up the wreckage while Tom carefully extricated Mr. Faber.
The scientist seemed to be badly injured. "We'd better not try to move him," Tom decided. "We'll get an ambulance."
Of the four other company engineers, two were now stirring and partly conscious. The boys found a first-aid cabinet and gave what help they could to them and the other two men. Then Tom taped a bandage on Bud's scalp wound.
"Let's see if we can find a telephone and call the local hospital," Tom said.
"Right!" Bud responded.
They picked their way through the wreckage and emerged on a scene of frightful destruction. The main plant building of Faber Electronics had been partially demolished by the quake. Power lines were down and an outlying storage shed was ablaze. Dazed and panic-stricken survivors were wandering around aimlessly or rushing about to assist the injured.
"Good thing the main shift of workers knocked off before this happened," Bud observed with a shudder. "There would've been a lot more casualties."
"Look!" Tom pointed to a huge crevasse. "Right where we landed our Whirling Duck!"
The boys exchanged rueful glances as they realized that the craft which had brought them to Faber Electronics—one of Tom's unique helijets—had been swallowed up in the gaping chasm.
"No use fussing about it now," Tom said. "Come on, Bud! Let's see about getting help for Mr. Faber!"
Despite the chaotic confusion, the boys managed to locate the plant superintendent—a harried, middle-aged man named Simkins—who was doing his best to restore order. Simkins, who had not been injured, informed them that electricians were rigging an emergency telephone line in order to get through to the nearby town of Harkness.
"Mr. Faber is badly injured," Tom said. "Why not send a car? It's only a few miles away, isn't it?"
"I'll send the plant nurse to him," Simkins said. "As for going to town, take a look at the parking lot." He pointed with a jerk of his thumb. The cars on the lot had been smashed into junk by bricks from a collapsing wall of one of the buildings. "And the only truck we had available was in that burning shed," the superintendent added bitterly.
"Tough break," Tom sympathized. "Anyhow, we want to help. Got a job for us?"
Simkins was only too glad to put Tom's quick mind and keen technical know-how to use. Within minutes, Tom was in charge of clearing away rubble and extricating anyone who might be trapped inside the buildings. Bud organized a fire-fighting crew to keep the blaze in the shed from spreading.
The telephone line was soon repaired and a steady stream of rescue vehicles began arriving from Harkness—fire trucks, three ambulances, and private cars driven by volunteers.
Two hours later there was nothing more Tom and Bud could do at the disaster scene and they hitched a ride into Harkness. The town had suffered some damage, though only slight compared to the destruction at the plant.
"The center of the quake was right under Faber Electronics," Tom remarked.
From a pay telephone, he called Swift Enterprises in Shopton. This was the experimental station where he and his father developed their many amazing inventions. Tom asked the operator to send a helicopter immediately to pick them up. He also called home and spoke to his sister, Sandra.
"What a relief!" Sandy gasped. "We heard a bulletin about the quake over the radio!"
"Don't worry, Sis. Tell Mother and Dad that we're okay," Tom said. "We'll be home in a jiffy—with big appetites!"
The helicopter arrived within twenty minutes at the place Tom had named. After landing at Enterprises, the boys drove to the pleasant, tree-shaded Swift home on the outskirts of town.
Mrs. Swift, a slender, petite woman, tried not to show concern when she saw the boys, bruised and disheveled. "I'm so thankful you're both safe!" she murmured.
Blond, blue-eyed Sandy, who was a year younger than Tom, had invited her friend Phyllis Newton to the house for dinner. Phyl, a pretty, dark-haired girl, was the daughter of Mr. Swift's long-time friend and business associate, "Uncle Ned" Newton. The two girls were as much upset as Tom's mother.
Tom laughed. "We're not stretcher cases," he said. "Why, one of the ambulance doctors checked us out."
Bud groaned. "Why did you have to go and spoil it?" he complained jokingly. "I was all set for Sandy's cool soothing touch on my fevered brow!"
Mr. Swift came into the living room just then and told Tom how worried Mrs. Swift and Sandy had been. "I tried to assure them that you and Bud can take care of yourselves in any crisis." He smiled guiltily as he added, "But I must admit I was more than a little concerned myself."
As Tom grinned, the resemblance between him and his father was very evident. Both had the same clean-cut features and deep-set blue eyes, although Tom Jr. was lankier and taller.
After the two boys had showered and changed their clothes, Mrs. Swift served them a delicious, hot meal. While they ate, Mr. Swift managed after some difficulty to get a call through to the Harkness Hospital. His face was grave as he hung up.
"Mark Faber is not expected to live," the elder inventor reported. "A pity. He's a great scientist."
Tom nodded unhappily. Sandy, to take her brother's mind off the disaster, said, "Dad, tell Tom and Bud about the visitor who's coming."
"A visitor?" Tom looked at his father.
"From another planet," Mr. Swift revealed.
Both boys were amazed and excited. "Wow!" Bud gasped. "Male or female? Human or animal?"
Mr. Swift's eyes twinkled. "None of those," he replied as the boys stared, mystified.
ⅠThe Earthquake,
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
私自身のための英語学習として、これより Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X の和訳をいたします。
Title: Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
The Project Gutenberg collection :
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X, by Victor Appleton
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
choppy とぎれとぎれ
It seems I’m recovering from my cold.
But my voice is terrible: my maximum loudness is less than sound level of whisper, and that choppy.
However, I was able to stand in the kitchen for dinner.
We have minced meat and tofu in the fridge.
Yep, mabou-doufu. I love hot, hot, hot one.
My sore throat would scream?
I don’t care.
nod off
I nodded off a little.(少しうつらうつらしていたの)
遅いじゃん・・・。 泣いてんのか怒ってんのか
icy puddle
Isn’t it funny that how much I feel sick,though; once going out with a camera, I forget time and cold temperature.
This is a Mayumi dropped in a puddle and caught in ice this morning.
Waking at dawn, when I withdrew a curtain in my bedroom, I saw snowing.
When I get started on our brunch, I suddenly felt like taking photos outside.
This photo is from a shrine, a mound next to my house.
The snow eats up the color and the sound in the world.
From noon, it turned to rain, and snow gone.
● Who cares?
● Who knows!
● How could you do that! なぁんでそんなことできるかなあー!
● Why should I! なんで私がしなきゃなんないのよ!!
● Don't I know it! わっかってるよーっ!
● Didn't I tell you that! 言ったでしょおーーっ!
● What of it? それがどうしたってのさっ!
Posting at another blog (AyeYaiYai) everyday at FC2, writing in English and preparing photos is not easy for me.
To my joy, quite a few people visit the blog, I feel like choosing better photos of mine for the one.
From a rental DVD, “Grey’s Anatomy” season1
Boundaries don’t keep other people out.
They fence you in.
Life is messy.
You can waste your life drawing lines
..or you can live your life crossing them.
代わって “Grey’s Anatomy”が私の今のお気に入り。
Hina dolls
This photo of Hina doll is from my other website, HPお雛さま.
The O-hinasama was given from my daughter’s grandparents, I mean, my parents.
I displayed them last year though, hmmm, I don’t know about this year.
You know, somehow… troublesome.
Before displaying them, I would have to clear a tatami mat room.
Changing my mind… I guess.
Though I announced moving my posting to AyeYaiYa(FC2) a couple days ago, still some people visit here and click the ブログ村icon for me. Which I appreciate very much.
Another blog of mine, "AyeYaiYai" is just one year old.
Last year, I had kept posting everyday and quite a few people visited there. Which I was pleased very much however; I quited the end of last year.
There were some reason. one of the reason is that I wanted to spare more time on studying English. You know, when many people visit the blog with leaving comments,while I need to visit their blogs to say hello.
With my blog starting here, I was happy. I know nobody of visitors. For no comment box here, nobody need to flatter me.
That's the way I feel comfortable.
I might keep posting here, I prefer blogger to FC2, where lighter and easier to use.
My witting is poor, I know. But it's ok. Because I AM a learner.
BTW, now a beautiful song ease my ears:
"Hoy Que Ya No Estas Aqui" ("As Far As Any Man Can See") /IL DIVO
Sooooo, sweet
It’ll keep you going
From a rental DVD I watched last night, "The Shipping News",
“Tea is a good drink. It’ll keep you going.
When someone hurts you that much, how do you? Does it ever go away? Is it possible?”
“…Yes, it is possible.”
深く傷ついた甥(Kevin Spacey)と叔母(Judi Dench)が厳しい自然の土地で暮らし始める。
気丈な叔母が古傷に涙したときに 甥は熱い紅茶を差出し、
no sooner than
It seems that my husband consider oranges juice as mere water. Not only orange juice but mikan as water.
He never drink water. I don’t know it is because he avoids taking unboiled water or he just doesn’t like taste of water .
*No sooner do I get some mikan than he eats up.
I have to go get mikan again, that heavy stuff.
*no sooner - than :するや否や。(倒置に注意)
Yakitori, which everybody likes. I broiled the one for my mother.
My mother lives with my father 2km from my house.
She can do nothing but sitting in her chair and watching TV whole day long.
While her husband does everything; cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning, except shopping. I just help them with shopping.
Whenever I go and see them, my mother asks me to get such and such.
Hearing her request, her husband interrupt angrily, “Nop!! “
He explains that there are so many leftovers to eat that do not bring anything.
The other day my mother complained and declared behind her husband,
“I’ll be die from malnutrition. Look at my fingers; They are all rough.
Get some Yakitori, please”
Here you are. Your Yakitori, mom.
When I bring this for them this afternoon, my mother looked so happy saying,
“Goodness, we can eat this for dinner. I only ate a small cup of rice and some small pieces of mochi and rakkyo for lunch.”
Hey, that’s enough!
BTW, this is our branch. We, my husband and I, only take meals twice on weekends. Our second meal today will be Okonomiyaki for my husband’s request.
What a frugal diet we do!
Just in case my father reach this blog, I write in only English, sorry. LOL
look in on, odds and ends, cold feet
■ look in on --: (人)をちょっと訪ねる。少しだけ顔を出す。
ex) We're going out now. Please look in on the baby every hour.
ex) After my work, I'm going to look in on my mother.
■ odds and ends:半端物、がらくた、雑用、その他いろいろ。
ex) Her desk is covered with odds and ends.
■ cold feet:おじけ、逃げ腰、しりごみ
ex) On the day of her wedding, she got cold feet.
Ophiopogon japonicus リュウノヒゲ
I found blue small balls come out from ivy leaves in my yard. リュウノヒゲ。
It seems to be called “Ophiopogon japonicus” in English.
In the spring, 竜の髭 has deep green seeds, which is soooo beautiful color, maybe you want to keep as an ornament on your finger.
I missed the beauty ones last spring; I'll never pass up this year.
Looking up the name, oh, I happened to know that “Japonica” is name of 椿.
Hmm.., but 椿 is camellia, right?
調べていると、私の辞書は ”Japonica” を「椿」と書いてあるのに気づいた。
椿はcamelliaでしょう! まあ、camellia japonicaというならわかるけれど。
BrainPOP is an animated Educational website for kids.
The contents are Science, Health , Technology , Math, Social Studies, and so on. Tim and Robot named Moby host you, for instance, how is chocolate made: why do we need to sleep; how to add and subtract fraction; or you can play with quiz and games.
Not only private members but public corporations, home schools are charged members.
Or you can play as a free member.
brainPOP is worth seeing!
This is for junior: BrainPOP Junior.
Tim とロボットのMobyのアニメが、「チョコレートは何でできているの?」とか「どうして眠らなければならないの?」とか「分数の足し算引き算はどうやるの」などの質問にわかりやすく音声で教えてくれる。(って英語がわかればの話だけど。^0^;)
Swimming pool
At the beginning of January last year, I got started blog writing on FC2 and kept it on until the end of the year.
In my old blog, I placed a photo of Maebashi Undou Kouen as for the first day.
Then I swam and went to a Asian café.
Those are all same acts as those of this year.
(However, I am not a person who takes good exercise; actually only a few times I went to the swimming pool last year after all.)
Say, New Year annual resolution, I have been to swimming pool twice this year.
Swimming pool I go with my husband is never crowded.
Therefore I can take a picture in the locker room.
I took 300m swimming for the first day, and 800m one week later.
Next time I'll challenge to 1000m! maybe...
reward after a good exercise
I went swimming last weekend.
The purpose of it is not shapeup but eat out at my favorite café.
After this working, see, good excuse, I can eat without hesitating.
At the café, MAIMAI, I never fail to order 石焼五目焼きそば, which I love sooo much.
dough 生地
snatch away さらう、ひったくる
When I went to a park the other day,
I found some lights on the water surface in a pond.
The lights are increasing those number, and grow bigger and bigger,
And they come towards a fisherman, closer and closer.
The fisherman sits still.
I wonder the man is intend to take them on. Or ready to surrender?
Do they come and snatch him away?
No, no, they did come to see me!
